Data Center & Virtualization
Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking v6.2 E-Learning (CPLL-DCICN)

Cisco CCNA Data Center Certification Training v6.2 Self-Paced

Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking (DCICN) v6.2 self-paced training course that teaches about the primary technologies that are used in the Cisco Data Center. The introductory level of knowledge that is taught in this course is targeted for individuals that will perform only the more basic configuration tasks. While there are no formal prerequisites for this course, we recommend students have a background as IT professionals. Network administrators, engineers, designers, managers, and technical solutions architects are all strong candidates for this Cisco Data Center Networking training course.

Objectives Include:

  • Ethernet communication functions and standards
  • OSI and TCP/IP models
  • Routing process on Nexus switches
  • Compare storage connectivity options in the data center
  • Fibre Channel name server and fabric login (FLOGI) process

This new Cisco self-paced course is designed to be as effective as classroom training. Course content is presented in easily-consumable segments via both Instructor Video and text. Interactivity is enabled through Discovery Labs, content review questions, and graded Challenge labs and tests. This makes the learning experience hands-on, increasing course effectiveness, and provides students direct feedback on how well they have mastered the material. And gamification features are built in, including earning badges and a leaderboard, to encourage better performance.

Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking v6.2 E-Learning
Duration: 6 months